If you have intel graphics on your computer that runs xubuntu/ubuntu 18.04, you probably getting the horizontal line issue when playback videos, movies, watching youtube or playing games. In this article i will show you how to fix this issue.
When you try playback video/movie which has scene where something moving very fast on the video, you will get an ugly horizontal line and this is very annoying, you can't enjoy the movie if this happened.
How to fix horizontal line artifact for intel graphics
- make sure you have intel graphics onboard, you can check with this command
sudo lspci|grep VGA
sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "Intel Graphics"
Driver "intel"
Option "TearFree" "true"
sudo reboot
The horizontal line artifact issue also happened on computers powered by nvidia graphics, unfortunately i can't try it because i don't have computer with nvidia graphics. But you can find the solution here.