How to run windows program on Xubuntu?

How to run windows program on Xubuntu?

Did you know that you can run windows program on xubuntu? in this article i will show you how to run windows program on xubuntu (or linux in general).

To run windows program on xubuntu, we will need to emulate windows environment, there is one tool that can take care of that, the tool is called wine.

First you need to install wine on xubuntu, the package name for wine can be different for older version of xubuntu/ubuntu, you can try one of this commands:

sudo apt-get install wine
If deosn't work try this:
sudo apt-get install wine-stable

On newer xubuntu/ubuntu you get two choices wine64 or wine32, you need to install wine64 if you want to run 64 bit windows program.
sudo apt-get install wine64
sudo apt-get install wine32

Once installed you can run windows program by typing wine followed by the name of the windows program that you wish to run, here's an example:
wine any-windows-program.exe

Wine can handle installation of a windows program, so no need to worry about that. You can check which version of wine that you have by running wine --version, like this:
wine --version

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