Things to do after installing Xubuntu 18.04

Things to do after installing Xubuntu 18.04

You have successfully installed xubuntu 18.04 on your computer/laptop, so what to do next? In this article i'm going to show you things that you should do after installing xubuntu 18.04, hope this could help someone.

Things to do after installing Xubuntu 18.04
  1. update your repository by running apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. enable canonical partners, go to xubuntu start menu > Settings > Software & Updates, click on Other Software, make sure the Canonical Partners option is checked.
  4. install xubuntu restricted extras and gstreamers ugly package
  5. sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras
    sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
  6. install build-essential package, you might need it
  7. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  8. install google chrome, read here
  9. install vlc media player to replace parole media player
  10. sudo apt-get install vlc
  11. install clementine for music player
  12. sudo apt-get install clementine
  13. install gimp if you need image editing software
  14. sudo apt-get install gimp
  15. install complete package of libre office
  16. sudo apt-get install libreoffice
  17. if you use intel graphics card and you are having horizontal line issue when playing movie or playing games, read my previous post on how to solve the problem.
That's my top 10 things to do after installing xubuntu 18.04, of course you can add more based on your specific needs.

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